Weekly competition

Trade and win prizes worth over $35000

How it works

Sign up on Tefs.com
Create an account & fill in your details
Register for the competition
Start trading when the competition kicks off
Trade consistently
Trade with demo funds of over $200k
Stay on the leader board
Get into the top 3 and win!

Previous Competition Winners

2nd place
James M.
Gain 17%
Prize Funded trading account worth $12.500
1st place
Aarav S.
Gain 20%
Prize Funded trading account worth $12.500
3rd place
Oluwaseun A.
Gain 15%
Prize Funded trading account worth $12.500
Rank Trader Name Gain Country
4 Mary W. 12%
5 Chinwe O. 12%
6 Ilya S. 11%
7 Aadya P. 7%
8 Vivaan G. 5%
9 John O. 5%
10 Ifeanyi N. 3%